
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.


I always thought Jeremy was different from other guys. And he is, in so many ways. But I found out yesterday that there is one way in which he and other men are very, very alike.

For most of my life, I've had very long hair. When we got back from Moscow in 2003, it was a little past my waist. I decided to give 12 inches of it to Locks of Love, but I don't think anyone really noticed the drastic haircut because even a foot shorter, my hair was still very long.

So I gave another 12 inches right before we left for Syria. This time, it was only a few inches past my shoulders - a slightly more noticeable change.

Since then, I've had only a trim, although I often considered chopping it all off again when we were in Jordan and unable to take regular showers. And you must realize that hair (at least mine) grows even quicker during pregnancy, so my hair was again extending down most of my back.

I speak of it in the past tense because yesterday, I took myself (and Miriam) down to the local hair salon and got my hair cut to my shoulders. This is the shortest it's been since kindergarten. I didn't tell Jeremy beforehand, and I was eager to see his reaction when he came home from school.

But he didn't say anything; in fact, to my surprise, he didn't seem to notice at all. The evening wore on - we went for a walk, had dinner, played with Miriam, etc. and no comments about my hair. After Miriam was in bed, we had several face-to-face conversations, and at one point, he even ran his fingers through my hair absent-mindedly. When he did that, I simply couldn't keep myself from bursting out laughing. He tickled me until I told him why. When I confessed that I had cut off the vast majority of my hair, he exclaimed that he had known something was different about me, but couldn't figure out what.

I was so sure he would notice right away - he's always been one of the biggest fans (or perhaps the only fan) of my long hair. But it turns out he's just like every other this respect, at least.

Fancy bench

Faux pas at Trader Joe's