
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Costco-sized grapes

Does anyone else remember the comic strip Adam? It's probably still running, but the panel I remember most is at least ten years old (the last time I read the comics). The title character goes shopping at a Costco clone and comes out with a box of Cheerios so big that it fills the shopping cart and he has to strap it to the luggage rack on top of his car. When he gets home and pours out a bowl, it turns out that the entire cereal box holds only 3 or 4 humongous O's - they are also "Costco-sized."

Yesterday we bought some grapes at Costco. They have the most reliably delicious produce outside of the Middle East, though it's often (but not always!) more expensive than at a regular grocery store. If you do the math, though, it's often cheaper to spend more on two pounds of fruit that is delicious from beginning to end, than to save at the grocery store but end up throwing half of it away.

But I digress. These grapes we bought are gigantic. They are so big that I found myself having to eat them in bites.

The only unfortunate thing is that they have seeds. I made sure to check when we bought them, and all I saw was "Red Seeded Grapes." My mind processed that phrase as "Red grapes that have been seeded," in the same way that a peeled banana is peeled. But apparently, the word I should have been looking for was "seedless." My mistake.

In my defense, however, it seems they should call them something else. It really is kind of confusing. Maybe "seedful," "non-seedless,"or "seedy." Well, actually, scratch that last one.

In any case, they're delicious, seeds and all.

Midnight laughs

A thousand words