
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Skater PhD

In case I've never stated or explained it explicitly on this blog: my husband is in his third year of a PhD program at the University of Arizona in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, with a focus on Arabic. In December, he finished - and passed - his comprehensive exams, an event which I should write a blog post about, seeing as it made my life a lonely, living hell and all, but we'll see. This means that he is now considered ABD: "All But Dissertation." And that should be well on its way to being finished within the next year and a bit.

I give you this background because I'm about to share some videos that give you a very different picture of my Jeremy. He and his brothers recently unearthed some old home videos (edited by Jeremy and his friends) of him skateboarding in 1994. The music on the first video is as it was originally put together by a bunch of teenagers. And for our younger audience, let me remind you that in 1994, skateboarding was still very much looked down on by a lot of people. It certainly wasn't the wholesome, knee-padded activity it is today.

Jeremy skating around northern Idaho and possibly eastern Washington:


I'll end on this note: Jeremy is the only 30-something PhD candidate I know of who has Heelys and wears them on a regular basis. I'm still not sure how I feel about that :).

Are you talking?

One of these things is not like the others