
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.


Last week, I went through our closet and pulled out the newborn stuff in preparation for Sasha 2.0's birth. The thing is, she's not due to make an appearance for another 2.5 months - August 3rd, to be exact. Was this some kind of nesting instinct gone haywire?

Not really. I'm in the singular situation of having to pack everything I will need for a newborn way ahead of time because we're moving soon. The other wrinkle is that we're coming back after the baby is born - so I don't want to just bring everything, even if we did have the room. So I have to decide now just how many onesies, blankets, and burp rags to bring with us to Middlebury.

I think I set aside pretty much everything I absolutely need to care for a newborn for a few weeks. Depending on when she's born, Sasha 2.0 will probably be between one month and one week old when we fly back to Tucson. Here's my minimalist-to-a-fault must-haves (not including stuff like diapers and wipes - I doubt I'll be packing those across the country):

1. onesies
2. burp rags
3. nursing pads and sundry nursing clothing items for me
4. lap pads
5. sling
6. baby monitor - I debated for a while about this one. But I have no idea how our dorm apartment is laid out, so better safe than sorry (for this item at least)
7. blankets. I haven't decided how many.

Am I forgetting anything essential?

Camping at 7 months' pregnant

May adventures