
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Flashback Friday: Flashback Friday

No, the title is not a typo. It was on this day one year ago that I instituted Flashback Friday on My Adventures in Tucson (later Ithaca). At the time, I said I wasn't sure that I would be able to post a story every Friday, but I went back and checked and it turns out I had a story for every single week. I never missed a Friday. Some stories were better than others - either inherently by their subject matter, or in the way I wrote them - but each week, something from my past was featured here as its own special post.
So today, for Flashback Friday, I'd like to take a look back at all the Flashback Fridays of the past. Here they are, in all their glory, separated by category (but not in any particular order otherwise).


Fartsy Barbie
Shut the Door!
The Giant Soccer Ball
In Which I Model for Nike
Happy New Year!
Three Coincidences
You're Fired! (almost)
My First Makeup Memory
Shoeless Bridget Walker
Learning to Write
Sent to the Principal's Office
When Bridget Met Jeremy (4-part saga, with bonus Das Ist Nicht OK video installation)

The Middle East


In honor of the anniversary of Flashback Friday, I would love to hear your favorite(s). As for myself, I have to say, I had such a great time telling the story of how Jeremy and I met, especially over multiple installments, including as much of the real-life suspense as possible. Taking the time to write that story - and all the others - was a great excuse for a long, pleasant trip down memory lane. Thanks for walking it with me.

Book Review: In the Heart of the Sea, by Nathaniel Philbrick

Fortunately, unfortunately