
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

500 Days of Summer

Last week, in one of our biannual outings to the movie theater, Jeremy and I saw 500 Days of Summer. It was very good. Not great, but very, very good, and I would recommend seeing it. There were parts of it that I LOVED, in capital letters, and I write this post to share one of them with you. It takes place kind of toward the middle of the movie and it's the scene set the day after the hero and heroine have defined the relationship (in other words - and I hope this isn't spoiling anything - he gets the girl):

Isn't that just how it feels? I love it!

While I was searching for that video, I found this one, a sort of companion to the movie even though it technically doesn't have anything to do with it. And although she doesn't say it in her intro, Zooey Deschanel herself is the vocalist on this cute song:
I hope you enjoy these as much as I have! And if you see the movie, or have already seen it, remember that I did the "oops, no paper so we'll have to write on your hand" thing first.

Flashback Friday: 9/11/01