
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

April 22, outsourced

From the Baby Name Wizard.
My favorite blog post of the year may very well be Bloggity Blog's roundup of Rexburg, Idaho baby names from 2010. (Let it be known that my SIL Sarah, who lives in Idaho Falls, hand-typed me the list and emailed it to me so I could laugh at the outtakes.) I would like to publicly state that the worst name on the list, in my opinion, is Tayzlee.

Prince William and Kate are getting married in a week. Meanwhile, a jelly bean resembling Kate has been found and, of course, put up for sale to the highest bidder. (You have to admit, it does look like her.)

I have a weird fondness for a good prank, as long as it's carried out without malice. This one made me laugh and laugh, and it was played on a telemarketer, so it's totally ok, right?

In case you were wondering, here is a table of the most common hymns found in mainline Protestant hymnals these days. Where is "Joseph Smith's First Prayer," I ASK YOU??? (Just kidding.)

This is what the wildfires in Texas look like. In other news, there are wildfires in Texas right now? I need to read US-based news sources more often instead of giggling at college campus modesty discussions in The National.

By Common Consent called this "the most interesting thing to happen in the Church Office Building in years." I cannot help but agree, and so will you after you watch the video.

I watched this video compiled by a dude taking pictures of the stars on a mountain in Spain and the thought that came to mind was, "There is a God." Amazing.

Happy Easter in the UAE

One-strap backpacks all over again