NERD ALERT: I'm re-reading The Master and Margarita, mostly in English but with the Russian by my side, available for constant comparison. That's why I'm fascinated with this discussion about which English translation is better. Apparently I am reading the much-mocked Glenny (though to be honest, I think it has some quirky, old-timey charm about it). I think next time I'll go with the Ginsberg. /NERD ALERT
OK, maybe the nerd alert isn't quite over yet: check out this guide to your favorite map projections.
Here are some more amazing pictures of the stuff going down in Cairo's Tahrir Square.
I will never take a bendy straw for granted again.
OK, I get that what the pepper-spraying cop did was a disproportional response at best. But here's some context for you.
I don't know that I have ever seen such an incredible collection of photographs! I'm so glad I'm not the one who has to decide which one is best. And remind me to never travel to Sindh, Pakistan, EVER (see picture #8).
It had been a while since I'd watched Hamish and Andy practicing their ghosting, or their three-step hiding game. So I watched it again. [HT a few years ago, Scotty]
I can't stop giggling at this article from The Onion: "Area Father Praised For Helping Raise Family."
Wait, so they're Amish, and it's hair attacks, and the guy's name is Mullet...? I can't...the words just...whaaaaaaa? [HT BCC]
OK, maybe the nerd alert isn't quite over yet: check out this guide to your favorite map projections.
Here are some more amazing pictures of the stuff going down in Cairo's Tahrir Square.
I will never take a bendy straw for granted again.
OK, I get that what the pepper-spraying cop did was a disproportional response at best. But here's some context for you.
I don't know that I have ever seen such an incredible collection of photographs! I'm so glad I'm not the one who has to decide which one is best. And remind me to never travel to Sindh, Pakistan, EVER (see picture #8).
It had been a while since I'd watched Hamish and Andy practicing their ghosting, or their three-step hiding game. So I watched it again. [HT a few years ago, Scotty]
I can't stop giggling at this article from The Onion: "Area Father Praised For Helping Raise Family."
Wait, so they're Amish, and it's hair attacks, and the guy's name is Mullet...? I can't...the words just...whaaaaaaa? [HT BCC]