
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Good Mom

Every once in a while I feel like a good mom. Today was one of those times. I've spent probably five minutes total on Pinterest since joining a few months ago, which seems to be unusual. I think I don't understand it well enough to get addicted. Anyway, today I spent another five minutes on Pinterest browsing through the Valentine's Day activities for kids ideas. I found a great idea on Pinterest (thanks, Jessie, for the Pinterest usage guide) for these:

You write in white crayon on white paper and then paint over it with watercolor. I ended up doing the writing because it's harder to write invisibly than you might think. The girls loved it and actually, so did I. And now they have some cute Valentines to bring to their classmates tomorrow!

Speaking of which, hoo boy did I have a fun time writing all of Miriam's classmates' names. She wanted to paint the girl hearts different colors than the boy hearts, so before I wrote each name I had to ask if it was a girl or a boy. My initial guess was wrong more than half the time. For example, Aria is a boy, and it's pronounced uh-REE-uh.

Hooray for Good Mom days!

Then again, in the time I was on Pinterest I saw a lot of examples of moms being A LOT better than me, so the benefit of finding the cool craft idea on there was cancelled out. Oh well.

Downton Abbey Season 2 (SPOILERS)

February 10th, outsourced