
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

"A two-lane comfort cruise" - NOT

Every once in a while as they re-do Emirates Road in bits and pieces, they paint over the old lane markers and dot out the new ones. However, they sometimes don't remove the old ones all the way, or they don't dot out the new ones very heavily. The result is a sudden mass confusion about how many lanes there are, and where in the road they start and end. After a few days, whoever is in charge of the painting finishes the job right and the confusion ends. Until then, however, it's even more of a thrill ride than usual on Emirates Road as you're flying down the road at 120kph and suddenly have no idea where you're supposed to be - and neither does anyone around you.

Anyway, the point is that it reminds me of that episode of Seinfeld where Kramer somehow is in charge of repainting some lines on the freeway and he changes a four-lane road into "a two-lane comfort cruise."
Only it's not so fun as Elaine makes out when the road is full of traffic.

PS - this (The Pothole) is one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes, second only to perhaps The Dealership.

Introverts, Titanic, a thriller, Anne, Shangri-La, the madding crowd, and dystopia overload

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