
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Dubai weather vs. Portland weather

Being in Portland during the summer has vaulted us back (or forward) in time to winter in the UAE. The nights here in July and August may even be chillier than they ever get in Sharjah in January.

However, Portland has been going through a major heat wave for the last few days. It got up above 100 degrees on Saturday which was a Big Deal here. For us, it felt more like April. On that record-setting day of heat in Portland, I happened to log in to my computer and notice that the temperature in Dubai and the temperature in Portland were the same at that moment.

You see? Ninety-nine degrees in both places. The thing is, it was 3am in Dubai at the time (and 4pm in Portland).

Still, I think it's kind of neat.

American Mormon

August 3rd, outsourced