
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Fred Meyer tourist

On Monday, Jeremy and I went to Fred Meyer. Jeremy quickly became immersed in the camping/outdoor/hardware section, so I passed the time on my own by walking up and down each aisle, without a shopping cart or basket, just to see what's new in American grocery stores these days.

Greek yogurt is a new thing. I mean, it existed two years ago but there was maybe only one brand of it in the dairy case. Now there are several, in all flavors.

Coconut water - what is this new craze? I had never heard of it before and now I see it everywhere. Is it kind of like the aloe water that was so popular in Japan ten years ago?

So...goldfish crackers come in S'mores flavor now??? What fresh madness is this??

I see that there has been a lot of innovation in the hair ties industry over the last two years. I went ahead and bought me some fancy, new-fangled rubber-y hair elastics that hold my hair really well...even if they kind of tear it out when I remove them. I think I'll take the trade-off - regular elastics don't do the job for me.

My sister tells me there is such a thing as peanut butter Cheerios, but I haven't seen them in any stores yet. I did spend a good long while in the cereal aisle at Fred Meyer, though. Ah, so many memories. I keep putting off the pleasure of digging into a box of Cracklin' Oat Bran or Corn Chex because I'm afraid it won't live up to my expectations, which have been inflated by a long absence from those cereals.

Sippy cups look different now than they did when I bought them for my own kids. The cup itself seems to be surrounded by a clear plastic insulation layer. Maybe that keeps the milk/water colder?

You can buy alcohol in stores here. I felt like a sinner just walking down the beer aisle.

I have a Google Doc list of things to bring back to Sharjah, so it was good to get a feel for what's out there. And I even bought a bag of S'mores Goldfish to see if they're any good.

Olympics mystery man

American Mormon