
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

A pronunciation question

Quick: How do you pronounce "Iran"? How about "Iraq"?

OK, now read this (HT Andrew). What does your pronunciation of those two country names say about you? Or rather, what are some theories about what it says about you? Do you agree with the article?

Personally, I pronounce them Ee-rahn and Ee-rahk. But that's because when I hear the names of those countries, it's usually being pronounced by a native speaker, and that's pretty much how they say it if they're speaking in English. So technically, the article's conclusions hold true for me, even down to some details - I live and work and am married to academia (predicting Ee-rahk) and I have knowledge of foreign languages (predicting Ee-rahn).

What about you? Just wondering.

Also, I love this video.

Arabian snow

Speeding ticket, undone