
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

The spice wars

In August, I posted about More Weird Stuff in my House, and I included this picture of some seriously ancient oregano:

Over the next few days, @jessiejensen and I engaged in a spice war via Twitter. I suck at Twitter so I'm not sure I got all the tweets, but it went something like this:

(and a detailed close-up):

It may look like I surrendered and thus lost the war, but the truth is that there are still a ton more ancient spices lurking in my mom's cabinet. MOM: Don't throw any of them away, so I'm ready for Round 2 of the Spice Wars next time I'm in the US.

Anyone else care to join in? Specifically, I'm wondering if anyone else's mom (or self) was a Utah/Idaho housewife in the 1970s and owned curry powder. Because seriously, what the?

I "relish" the thought of going to the dance with you

October 12th, outsourced