I was trying to comment on my brother's blog just now. Unfortunately, he has enabled that horrible CAPTCHA word-verification feature on the comments. For some reason, the image of the CAPTCHA letters/numbers didn't load, and since I didn't feel like re-loading the page, I just clicked on the option to have an "audio CAPTCHA" read to me.
YOU GUYS. Have you ever heard one of these audio CAPTCHAs???
I'll stick to the visual ones from now on, thanks. Because, SCARY.
This brings me to my point: would y'all consider taking those word verifications off of your blog comments? If you have purposely enabled them, why? I sometimes get spam comments, too, but Blogger automatically takes care of most of them for me. I've turned on moderation for comments on posts older than 14 days, which takes care of the rest. The thing is, even though the literal, stated point of a CAPTCHA is to tell Computers and Humans Apart, I often have to go through two or three or four rounds of CAPTCHA images to pass the test. Anyone else? Those things are dang hard.