
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

I might regret this: a post related to gun control (*ducks*)

I had a whole big post written out about this but you know how I hate offending people, so I erased it and I'm starting over. My point is simple enough: Americans en masse are not rabid gun enthusiasts.

Before I go on (but really I'm almost done), please know that if you and I have recently discussed this or if you've made a comment to me about this or you think I'm directing this post to YOU, you're wrong. I just feel the need to get this out there in general. Most of the news media I consume these days does not originate in the US and I am shocked at some of the things other countries are saying about us and our guns. I know I am just one American, but for the record:

1. I believe the second amendment is often horribly misinterpreted.
2. The NRA does not speak for me.
3. The idea of giving guns to teachers in schools is wrong (in my opinion) on so many levels.
4. Yes, a "gun culture" exists in the US but the fact is that many, many people live their daily lives in that country without ever really thinking about guns, to the point that guess what? I have never seen a real, loaded (and possibly even unloaded, maybe?) gun in my whole life in the United States [edited to add: my mom reminded me in the comments that I have seen a real gun in the US, last summer]. Some non-US news outlets would have you believe that American children walk past a dozen gun shops every morning on their way to school.


Now, that said, our problems are different from yours. You can't impose x-country's model of gun control on the US in a wholesale manner any more than you can import another country's healthcare system or public transportation system. Just because it's working really well for you doesn't mean it's what's right for America.

Now I will shut up and let Jon Stewart do the talking (thanks for the links, Jessie). This segment made me cry both kinds of tears: the laughing kind and the sad kind. Content warning: don't gather the kids around to watch this, duh. But listen to what the man has to say. The truth is, he's saying some of the same things I read in non-US media sources but at least he's American. It's so much easier to listen to him and know he has a full cultural context for his remarks.

The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Scapegoat Hunter
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The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Scapegoat Hunter - Gun Control
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

January 11th, outsourced

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