The most trendy names in US history (and fyi, they mean "trendy" in its statistical sense). Deneen!!! Also: GQ rules for naming your baby. [HT Andrew]
Portraits of the survivors of the 2011 Norway massacre. [HT Ashi]
Interesting thoughts on the Christian "my body is a temple" metaphor. [HT Jen]
If you speak German - or even if you don't - this is pretty funny: How German sounds to other languages. [HT my aunt Teresa]
Wal-mart turned library. Awesome. [HT Liz]
I loved this! 27 amazing things about living in the Middle East. It's Gulf-skewed, but at this time in my life, that works for me. [HT Lisa]
If you want to read about the time Jeremy almost had to drink his own pee on the highest mountain in Oman, click here.
I'm sure you've seen this: The Camp Gyno. I love that girl. [HT Liz and a few other people]
Portraits of the survivors of the 2011 Norway massacre. [HT Ashi]
Interesting thoughts on the Christian "my body is a temple" metaphor. [HT Jen]
If you speak German - or even if you don't - this is pretty funny: How German sounds to other languages. [HT my aunt Teresa]
Wal-mart turned library. Awesome. [HT Liz]
I loved this! 27 amazing things about living in the Middle East. It's Gulf-skewed, but at this time in my life, that works for me. [HT Lisa]
If you want to read about the time Jeremy almost had to drink his own pee on the highest mountain in Oman, click here.
I'm sure you've seen this: The Camp Gyno. I love that girl. [HT Liz and a few other people]