
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

February 21st, outsourced

"Let It Go" according to Google Translate.

Torvill and Dean skated in Sarajevo again to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their legendary "Bolero" routine.

This post from Times & Seasons about modesty (in the Mormon context) wins. [HT Sarah]

The National gives us more context for that UAE law that would make breastfeeding mandatory.

I hope this becomes a real thing: a bed you just zip up instead of having to make! Adult sizes, please. [HT Katie]

Here is a heartwarming story of an anonymous Emirati who helped reunited an injured, hospitalized toddler with her family who had to leave the country due to visa issues.

Why I Stopped Being a Voluntourist. [HT Bryce]

I was up with Sterling in the middle of the night and clicked on this link from someone, but I can't remember who. But thank you, anonymous person. I am getting so many laughs out of Dad Can't Stop Laughing At Kids Slipping on Ice.

The case against fancy figure skating outfits.

Star Wars at the Olympics! [HT Kaylee]

Faces of Figure Skating. Two words: Yegveniy Plushenko. Yikes! [HT Julee]

What does a Norwegian boy at a bus stop have to do with kids in Syria? Watch. (Ooh, that was a very Upworthy-style teaser.)

A new book on the shelf (it's my thesis)
