
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

December 12th, outsourced

Stephen Colbert as Hobbit characters. (And yes, I know Sarah Koenig was on The Colbert Report and as soon as I figure my way around Hulu's anti-VPN thing, I will watch it.) [HT Jeremy]

America's malls in 1989. I love these photographs because they are not of anything extraordinary. Just everyday life.

Life on an organic farm in Sharjah.

Last week when we got home from camping, I was dying to take a nap but Sterling had already taken his in the car. So I lay down on the floor and "took a nap" but it looked more like this.

Here is a beautiful video of AUS - the place where we live and work!

10 reasons our universe might be virtual reality. My mind broke from reading this article. [HT Kathy]

For the language/writing nerd, I bring you: the periodic table of figures of speech. If I ever teach writing, I am buying a poster of this to put on the wall. [HT Matt]

Spiderman in Cairo.

Ceausescu's children - a great read about the legacy of Romanian orphans. [HT Liz]

(Against) Mommy, the martyr. This is one of the reasons why I like my kids to see me go to work, or even come with me to work sometimes. [HT Heather]

In Serial news, there was this tweet from Sesame Street, which I thought could not be beat. But then someone replied with this tweet about who really killed Hae. YOU GUYS. It has the cell phone and everything!

This guy carves beautiful designs in underground caves. Lovely. [HT Kathy]

Jeremy in Japan

My other job