
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

March 20th, outsourced

This post would have gone up sooner except I got caught up playing Google Feud. Good fun, even if I really am not that good at it. It's hard to get inside Autocomplete's brain. [HT Jen]

I found this post about expats vs. immigrants (white people are expats; everyone else are immigrants or migrants) so thought-provoking. I do think there's more going on here - "expat" sometimes implies that the person can never gain citizenship, which is the situation here in the UAE. But yeah, thought-provoking.

I enjoyed reading through this list of commonly misused phrases. They missed "here, here" (I think it should be "hear, hear," right?), and I wish they would have addressed perq vs. perk. And didn't we decide that "could care less" is OK since it means "meh, I COULD care less, but...meh"?

This list of mom worries for each successive kid made me laugh. [HT Kat, maybe?]

I saw this a few places, and I found it to be an interesting read: A stay-at-home parent is not a "luxury."

I am in love with this series, the latest installment of which is different perceptions of beauty in North and South Korea. [HT Ashi]

Global Day 2015

Family photo outtakes