1. Sterling was coloring at the table and dropped a marker. He said: "Uh-oh, pinkki!" Pinkki = pink in Finnish.
Hello Kaia! Dear Kaia, I'm seven years old. My name is Magdalena. My (birth)day is August third. I love you, Kaia. My brother is Sterling. Bye!
2. Magdalena wrote a letter to her friend in the UAE, all in Finnish, all by herself. It has so many mistakes. There are misspellings and grammatical errors and all kinds of problems. But I love this letter so much. It shows she is starting to figure out this crazy language and is willing to experiment and try things out even when she can't get it to sound quite right.
3. Miriam was looking through old files on her school iPad and came across a video of a rap song that she and some classmates wrote at the beginning of the school year. At the time, she was given camerawoman and choreographer duty because she didn't speak a lick of Finnish. Tonight, she watched the video again and looked at me with a special smile and said "Mama, I understand a lot of it now!"