
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Synesthesia, part 2

It's been two years since I figured out that Miriam had a little bit of synesthesia with days of the week and colors. You can read more about that here. I haven't talked about it with her very much in the meantime, but tonight it came up again and I asked her (again) what color the days of the weeks are. If this had been the fancy of an 8-year-old two years ago, I figured, she would have different answers now as a 10-year-old.

Well, her answers were the same! And our conversation was really confusing to Magdalena. She keeps asking, "Mama, wait, why does she think the days have colors?"

What's more, Miriam says some numbers have colors, too. She described it like this:

1 - red or blue
2 - orange or nothing [this kind of stuff is what convinces me this is legit - if she were making it up wholesale, she would make it up definitively for every number, right?]
3 - pink
4 - green
5 - yellow
6 - orange
7 - blue or white
8 - yellow
9 - green
10 - black or white
11 - bluish grayish
12 - no color
13 - pink or black

and so on. I asked her a few random numbers like 27 or 48 and some of them had colors and others didn't. I find it interesting that the colors for 12 and 13, for example, are not simply the colors of 1 + 2 or 1 + 3. Synesthesia is so weird! Also: fascinating.

Clockwork commute

Digital natives