
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

June 12th, outsourced

A reporter went to Macedonia to track down so-called "kidnap gangs," who prey on migrants who have fled Syria and are making their way through Europe.

Eurovision costume/performance critiques!

When they were renovating a school in Oklahoma, they removed the chalkboards and found, behind them, untouched 100-year-old chalkboards. Cooool.

From now on, I will be practicing my murder walk. I get bumped into all the time, usually when standing still. People tend to not even notice I'm there, and it bothers me sometimes. I AM A HUMAN BEING AND I AM STANDING RIGHT BEHIND YOU AND YOU CANNOT JUST BACK YOUR SELF UP WITHOUT EVEN CHECKING TO SEE IF A HUMAN BEING IS ALREADY THERE. Hmph.

Here's another entry in the Beautiful Infographic Explaining Languages category. It is a lovely one. I liked seeing the country groupings - so helpful when envisioning the speakers of each language. [HT Matt]

Of course you will want to read about the 12 craziest Sweet Valley High plotlines.

Biracial beauty queen challenges Japan's self-image. Fascinating.

In the trunk

HintHunt Dubai