Someone ran a dinosaur prank at malls in Dubai. Pretty funny, but you'd never get away with that in the US, right?? [HT Jeremy]
This is the kind of story that is genetically engineered to make you tear up...and I totally did: valedictorian secretly posted lovely tributes to his classmates on instagram for a year.
People are finally talking about the thing nobody wants to talk about. (It's menstrual periods in developing nations where feminine hygiene products are not readily available.)
A history of the home pregnancy test.
I loved loved loved this photo of a team full of fierce, t-ball-playing Elsas.
The story of a hate crime - the murder of three Muslim students in Chapel Hill.
SO INTERESTING: The Wetsuitman. "Last winter two bodies were found in Norway and the Netherlands. They were wearing identical wetsuits. The police in three countries were involved in the case, but never managed to identify them. This is the story of who they were."