
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Valio, my old love

Have you ever filled out a change of address form in Finnish? Neither have I, but I did spend a good thirty minutes trying to just now. It'll have to wait until I'm around an actual Finn who can help me. In the meantime, let's talk about some grocery store finds!! The first shopping trip is always the worst, but also somehow the best because all the products seem so magical at first. 


Be still my heart: Valio dairy products! We ate this exact cottage cheese and cheese in Moscow. I can't wait to eat it again. I only wish Jeremy were here to get all sentimental about it with me!  

Shampoo and conditioner. Don't these look so wholesome somehow?  


Blueberry yogurt drink stuff. The dairy products these guys have come up with! The yogurt aisle here is as big as the candy aisle in the UAE. 


Eggs. I got regular eggs, but there were also free range eggs, and eggs from chickens who have activities to do in their coops, and all manner of such silliness. 

Now to actually eat some off this food! I've been living off of dates and Goldfish crackers I bought in Sharjah, so it should all taste pretty good.

Emirates business class at last!

Finland logorrhea