
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

August 14th, outsourced

Ten cases of people allegedly abducted by North Korea. (Side note: go ahead, TRY not to click on any of the suggested stories. Just try. Yeah.) [HT Suzanne]

In case you didn't hear, a woman won the Canadian Death Race. Like flat-out won, not in her age group or was the first woman or whatever. No: she was the first human being to cross the finish line. Awesome.

From horseless to driverless: autonomous vehicles.

Downton Abbey on its way to LA. Great photo.

I've been dying to post this: The Turkish couple who fed 4000 Syrian refugees on their wedding day (like, the Turkish couple's wedding day, not the 4000 refugees' wedding day).

Ooh, apparently we, as a society, are re-thinking red-shirting kindergartners. Interesting. 

Russia, cheese, and the opposition. Also funny jokes. [HT Jeremy]

Hahahahahaha women seriously do apologize too much. Though I do think "sorry" has an appropriate social function. I don't always say it to literally mean that I am sorry for something, but it is very polite in many situations.

How to cheat at Finnish

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