
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Another Hamilton fan

Another Hamilton fan

ONE OF MY STUDENTS KNOWS HAMILTON. It has sometimes been a lonely journey, being a Hamilton fan all the way over here in Finland. It's like having a religion you're really excited about but no one to preach it to - where do you even start? Hip-hop musical? America's Founding Fathers? There is almost no common ground to build upon.

But I have a Finn-American student in one of my classes, so I thought I'd ask him if he'd heard of it (he's even (half) from Brooklyn). He hadn't...but one of my students sitting near him had. She and I chatted. She reads a lot of American music blogs and that's how she got into it. Her favorite song is Wait For It. I had literally just listened to that song on my way to work that morning. It was a great moment.

And now there are two of us (well, and also my entire family - have I told you how Sterling walks around singing "...with my friends all scattered to the winds!"?) in Finland. It's great having a co-religionist!

November 4th, outsourced

Running club

Running club