
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Independence Day differences

Independence Day differences

Yesterday was Finland's Independence Day (the 99th!). As we made our way to our friends' house in -12C weather, in the dark, Miriam remarked that American and Finnish Independence Days were very different. Here (in Finland), it's all cold winter, dark nights, candles/Christmas lights in the window, and getting comfy in front of the TV to watch the president's speech and reception. It's quiet and subdued and cosy.

In the US, it's a summer day of cannons and parades and barbecues and sunshine, and then a summer night filled with fireworks. In other words, bright and noisy and jubilant. The two holidays could almost not be any more different.

I think a lot of this difference has to do simply with the seasons in which the two holidays take place, but I'm sure there is more to it than just that.

Political science students in Finland: a vignette

Political science students in Finland: a vignette

