I hope you enjoyed the Queen's green screen outfit last week! [HT Jen]
This article - Why even driving through suburbia is soul-crushing - makes a lot of interesting points, even if I don't quite agree with all of it.
How to avoid bee swarm attacks, including this terrifying gem: "Never jump into a body of water to escape bees. They will wait for you to surface." [HT Jessie]
Donald Trump's Mormon problem.
Two duvets, one bed. Apparently this is not a thing in America?? Jeremy and I have had this setup for years, as in I can't even remember when we haven't had two duvets on the bed. [HT Aimee]
The ingenious design of the aluminum beverage can.
How companies learn your secrets, like finding out you're pregnant before you tell anyone.
"Iceland inflict crushing 1-1 defeat on Portugal," in dramatic tweets (some language). [HT Blair]