
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

September 30th, outsourced

The politics of pockets.

13 tips on how to speak while female.

Gary Johnson can't name a single foreign leader. This totally reminded me of Sarah Palin's "you know, all of them" answer to what newspapers she read.

A newly arrived (like four days) Syrian refugee in Canada saved his next-door neighbor's wedding day. My heart was already warmed and then I read the part at the end about the Canadian businessman who is personally sponsoring 50 refugee families and my heart just about melted. !!!!!!

Twitter was amazing this week. To wit: cat rescue in Russia (Miriam and I have been giggling about this for days).

Also, Alexandra Petri summing up the debate.

Also, some supreme unintentional foreshadowing from a debate in 1992.

Also, this is totally what looking at your phone at bedtime is.

Inside a Finnish school

Inside a Finnish school

Finnish acquisition check-in: 3-year-old; 13 months in Finland

Finnish acquisition check-in: 3-year-old; 13 months in Finland