
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

A certain subset of small talk

You guys, I have BECOME that lady who corners you at church and chit-chats the crap out of you. If, of course, you hail from the Motherland and are two of only about a dozen Americans I have met (in a meaningful setting) during nearly two years in Finland. I cannot help myself! An American couple was visiting church yesterday and I spent the Sunday School hour in the chapel, talking to them instead of attending class. I REGRET NOTHING.

And they weren't even the only visitors! My friend's sister was visiting from the US (though she is Finnish herself), too. Her 5-year-old son starting speaking in English to my kids and Sterling's jaw about hit the floor. He very rarely hears people outside of his own family speak English, let alone a child. It was very exciting for us all.

See, the thing is, I really enjoy certain subsets of small talk. I love meeting people at conferences and talking about all kinds of things, work-related or not. I love cornering visiting Americans at church (apparently) and hearing what news they bring of the Motherland. I relish these conversations, even though they take place with people who I will most likely never see again. I feel like that last part should be a deal-breaker - isn't an introvert's damage with small talk the fact that it doesn't lead to any lasting, meaningful relationship? But then why do I like it so much?

Places that Iceland reminds me of

Places that Iceland reminds me of

Juhannus/Midsummer 2017

Juhannus/Midsummer 2017