On July 20th, we go to Costco
I went to Costco for the first time in two years today. As we were walking out, Jeremy looked at his phone and saw that facebook was showing him a "remember this?" photo (or whatever they call it) from two years ago and it was a picture of...us at Costco. So I guess this is what we do on July 20th every two years. We took a quick photo right before the exit lady checked our receipt, to mark the occasion.
So, Costco. It's kind of amazing. We bought the equivalent of a small pharmacy to take home to Finland (phenylephrine hydrochloride, I HAVE MISSED YOU. You too, dextromethorphan in pill form), as well as a bag of those chocolate-covered coconut almonds, because why the heck not? They're like six bucks right now on sale and they are DELICIOUS.
I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility for there to be a Costco in Finland someday, though I'm not holding my breath. There is one in Reykjavik, if you can believe it. For now, I'm content to go there every two years and spend too much money on guaifenesin.