
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

November 23rd, outsourced

Happy Thanksgiving! We have been busy raking the forests here but I did take a break to write this post.

How the world’s only feudal lord outclassed the Nazis to save her people.

Tales of survival from Paradise.

Why most of America is terrible at making biscuits. You had me at flour science!!!

I meant to link to this weeks ago, and maybe I did, and if I did, then it is worth doing again: Natalie Walker’s audition as History-Making Man’s Wife is sooooooo watchable!!!

Today I learned about North Sentinel Island, first via this article about the man who was killed there, and then via this Twitter thread.

Sarajevo Sarajevo Sarajevo Sarajevo

Sarajevo Sarajevo Sarajevo Sarajevo

Syrian rubble on display at the WAM

Syrian rubble on display at the WAM