
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

The American shelf, updated

The American shelf, updated

Jeremy was a K-Citymarket the other day and sent me a picture of the updated American shelf. We had heard rumors that brownie mix and - gasp! - LUCKY CHARMS were available and we wanted to see for ourselves.

The rumors were true! Brownie mix costs almost nine euros and a single box of Lucky Charms costs almost ten euros. Yikes. Can you imagine paying that much for that stuff??

So yeah, we bought some brownie mix. (Even I, Nostalgic Eater Extraordinaire, balked at ten euros for a box of Lucky Charms.) It was an extremely special occasion and I doubt we'll do it again, but it was worth it for just the one time!

Last times

Last times

February 2nd, outsourced