
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

World Cup

World Cup

Is your local World Cup commentary an all-male panel? Ours isn't! Lately we've had Petra Manner hosting the pre- and post-game analysis. Then yesterday during the Spain-Russia match, there was another woman giving the voice-over commentary on the game (I've tried to find her name but can't. They only list Matti Härkönen but there was for sure a woman speaking as well!).

I find the presence and contributions of these women very welcome since World Cup so easily turns into an all-male space.

This World Cup has been so much fun, though. All these underdog teams upsetting former champions and ruining my bracket! I know this happens every time (Korea-Turkey third-place match in 2002, anyone?), but it's always exciting to see it unfold. This year with female commentary!

Fourth of July in Turku, and an Åland adventure

Fourth of July in Turku, and an Åland adventure

June 29th, outsourced