
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Notable recent media I have consumed

Notable recent media I have consumed

Chernobyl. If I see you in person and you give me an opening I will FOR SURE evangelize this show. It is some of the best TV I have ever seen and I would gladly sit down and watch it through again with you, as my brother did for me. Alternatively, you can watch it on your own time and I will take turns having logorrhea about it with you.

Apollo 11. Speaking of evangelizing, my dad raved about this movie nonstop when we first arrived in the US and talked it up so much and I was still blown away when I finally watched it last week.

How to Invent Everything. Such a good book and I am still reminded of little tidbits from it everytime I encounter everyday objects and technology.

Fiasco. Leon Nayfakh is a gifted podcaster and I am thrilled he turned his attentions and talents over to telling the story of the 2000 election.

Poldark. I have wanted to get into this show for YEARS but kept missing the first episodes of seasons on local TV in both the UAE and Finland. So I got an Amazon Prime trial while in the US and binge-watched almost all of it (still half of season 4 left downloaded on a device that I hope doesn’t realize it’s in Finland now).

Some food we brought home

Some food we brought home

The trip home

The trip home