Flashback Friday: T-shirts of my past — BeLonging


Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Flashback Friday: T-shirts of my past

Let's take a walk down memory lane via some important t-shirts of my past. Can you tell I've been on an organizing streak lately? Here are some shirts that are on their way to Salvation Army.

Final Cut, 2000. Jeremy and I went to Final Cut (the BYU's student film festival) for our first formal outing together back in 2000. I never wore the shirt. It was too big and too black. But it reminded me of, you know, our first formal outing. So I kept it. Until now. At least I'll have this picture to remember it by.

Metro League Track & Field Championships, 1997. This used to be one of my most favorite t-shirts ever. Somewhere along the way (probably long before I realized it) it stopped fitting well and started to be very stretched-out and unflattering. I do admire its understated, minimalist design, though. Most of the cross-country or track championship t-shirts I collected were garishly ugly. Not this one. And I will miss it.

Rex Lee Run, 2000. I had a few of these shirts from different years when I did the run back at the BYU, and I decided to get rid of all of them but one (the orange one).

William & Mary, circa 1998. The College of William & Mary was one of my options for undergrad back in the day. I think it's time to accept that I chose to go to the BYU instead.

BYU Physical Education. Speaking of which, here is this fantastic shirt that my brother bought (or salvaged for free?) for me in 1995ish. These were the old-style gym shirts at the BYU before they got classy and changed their official shade of blue to navy (I think they've since changed it again to royal). In the end, I didn't have the guts to get rid of this one so back in the drawer it went.

In case anyone is keeping track, my teal Oak Hills Honor Choir shirt didn't make the cut this year. I don't mind so much since I know it will make a Salvation Army white elephant gift seeker or t-shirt hunter very, very happy. But my Girl Scout Troop 106 t-shirt lives on!

My life, in boxes

Sorting foreign coins