
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Kevin Costner mystery solved

OK, maybe you haven't been wondering all this time, but I have: is that hand-me-down toy we got really Kevin Costner?

I mean, it looks so much like him, but for the life of me I couldn't think of one Kevin Costner movie that would warrant an action figure. The only one I could come up with was Waterworld, but that was made way back in 1995. Surely there was no way this toy could have been making the hand-me-down rounds in Cairo for 15 years, right? RIGHT?

Meanwhile, "Kevin," as this toy has been affectionately dubbed by my girls, became quite popular. He's come with us on lots of outings and almost gotten left in taxis many times. When Magdalena wants to take him on an errand, she walks through the house calling, "Keeeevvvviiiin!" It's very endearing. And it made me more determined than ever to figure out this toy's genesis.

So I did a little Googling and it turns out that this IS Kevin Costner in action figure form. But it's not from Waterworld. No. It's from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Which movie was released in 1991. ALMOST TWENTY YEARS AGO.

Here's the proof:

I am amazed that Kevin survived intact (well, not quite intact, since he doesn't have his cape or crossbow anymore) through twenty years of being handed down. It makes me want to create a small history of Kevin and keep it with him as he is passed on to new families, so everyone can know his story.

It's a shame I don't know his history up to this point. Because I bet it's GOOD.

The Big News, Part 1

Six hours in London