
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

NaBloPoMo is coming up!

Are you in?

Thirty posts in 30 days, every day in November.

Start a blog just for the occasion.

Revive your dormant blog.

Enjoy the challenge even if you already blog often.

Mix it up with new features (Flashback Friday? Wordless Wednesday? Thankful Thursday? You get the idea).

And don't miss a day.

Coming soon to Bridget of Arabia on Monday, 1 November!

Who's with me?

(To get an idea of what this is all about, check out 2008's intro and roundup, and 2009's intro and roundup.)

Halloween, UAE style

Sometimes it's nice to have a mom instead of be one.