
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

March 11th, outsourced

I enjoyed reading this article about pictograms almost as much as I enjoyed looking at the "How Long Do Animals Live?" graphic that accompanies it.

I'd seen some of these dumb warning labels before but a few were new and made me burst out laughing unexpectedly, perhaps spraying actual spittle on my computer screen in the process.

Is Target now cheaper than Wal-Mart? All those people who have been saying for years that they would give up shopping at Wal-Mart but it's just so cheap there now have to come up with a new excuse. (PS, please to be watching The High Cost of Low Price.)

This gallery of old cereal boxes was a blast from the past for me. As soon as I saw the ice cream cone cereal box, all these memories of a) begging my parents to buy us kids said cereal, and b) the actual, terrible texture and taste of said cereal, came rushing back. Did any of them ring a bell for you?

Finally, I'm glad someone has finally addressed that most disturbing element of rock/paper/scissors: why DOES paper beat rock??



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