
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

July 29th, outsourced

Outsourced Friday is heavy on the videos today.

From Jimmy Kimmel, we have an awkward CNN Headline News segue, and, well, Bear Grylls. [YouTube]

Everything is funnier when you speak in a British accent, even a walk around a Wal*Mart. [YouTube, via The Consumerist]

David Eagleman wrote a book about the brain and almost broke Stephen Colbert's during an interview. [via The Atlantic's Twitter feed]

Also from The Colbert Report is a (PG for language) piece about how the news media assumed the Norwegian attacks were carried out by a Muslim. So funny, it stings. [via AymanM's Twitter feed]

There's no way to put this delicately: behold, The Evolution of Nicolas Cage's hair. [YouTube]

Somebody created a fake movie trailer for HP6 as if it were a romantic comedy. I love the result, though really, you don't have to try too hard to make HP6 a romantic comedy. [YouTube, via Anna Ray]

In non-video awesomeness are these pictures of the Tour de France. [The Atlantic]

Google deleted a man's gmail and blogger accounts with no explanation. This freaked me right the heck out and I re-backed up all my Google stuff immediately (I learned my lesson two years ago). [The Consumerist]

These realistically recreated children's drawings disturb me almost as much as they entertain me. [BuzzFeed, can't remember how I found it, sorry]

Which Arabic dialect should Harry Potter speak? I loved this article for how well it illustrated the fact that Arabic is actually a dozen different languages, not one, and I will be jumping at the chance to share it with people any chance I get. [WSJ, via Jeremy Palmer]

Finally, we have 17 truly awful bathroom fails. I have been in one of those bathrooms where the stall doors have been bolted on too high (Ft. Stevens campground on the Oregon coast, FYI) and it is NOT pretty. [Huffington Post, via Anna Ray]

Sticker shock

Ramadan is coming