
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Blueberry woes and joys

One of the unexpected benefits of eating treats only once a week is that I get to choose a recipe and salivate over it for days and days before I make it. Chocolate chip cookie pie was one of those. This week's edition was fruit pizza.

I started out thinking I'd make blueberry pie, which hankering was brought on by watching this episode of Dirty Jobs. I dreamed about blueberry pie for a few weeks before I finally decided to just make one myself. Then I went to Spinneys (because their berries are better than Carrefour's) and calculated that to buy the standard four cups of blueberries required to make a pie, it would cost me $26. (To this day, I have successfully blocked my mind from calculating how many pounds of blueberries I could pick myself for that price at Ithaca's Grisamore Farms.)

Needless to say, a blueberry pie was, very sadly, not in the cards for me. So I settled on the fruit pizza recipe, realizing that while I would be paying the same proportional price for those precious blueberries, the total cost would be much easier on my wallet (about $3).

Friday took its sweet time coming around, but when it did, hoo boy:

So yes, I am really enjoying the "homemade sweets once a week" deal. If I had a packet of peanut M&Ms ready to eat anytime, I would probably not bother making something like this. But when it's a rare treat and I have to make it myself...well, I might as well make something AWESOME.


July 22nd, outsourced