
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

July 22nd, outsourced

First, a look at Harry, Ron, Draco, and Neville through the ages, via the actors who played them in the movies. Neville certainly grew out of an extremely long awkward stage, didn't he? [GFY]

Here's an infographic about the Harry Potter movies, though despite all the talk about huge box office grosses, I swear I read somewhere that the films didn't actually make any money. However, I can't find that article so we'll have to pretend I never said that, which is nice because I remember thinking how ridiculous that was. [Graphjam]

Lots of books and their movies have been deemed to be The Next Harry Potter, but have any of them really panned out? [The Atlantic]

Holy amazing synchronized swimming photos, Batman! Besides being interesting to look at, these photos alerted me to the fact that there is apparently a solo component of synchronized swimming (see photo 8). [The Atlantic]

This is a looooong but worthy read about the man who was wrongly accused of carrying out the post-9/11 anthrax attacks. It's so sad that what happened to him is even possible. [The Atlantic]

The most obtuse newspaper correction ever. There's kind of a big difference between those two, guys. [via By Common Consent]

Crossing a street in Vietnam. This was totally familiar to me. It was like Egypt, but with cute scooters. [Can't remember where I saw this, sorry.]

A hard look at gentrification. Interesting. [The Atlantic]

This might only be of interest to you if you're Mormon, but what if our meetings progressed in a different order? I vaguely remember having Sacrament Meeting last when I was a kid. My favorite part of that post, however, was the comments. Comment 23 was a total facepalm, and then comment 34 made me burst out laughing. I love it when intelligent people disagree in a humorous manner (that happens a lot at By Common Consent, by the way). [By Common Consent]

Blueberry woes and joys

Mall oddities