
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

August 26th, outsourced

Interesting (and disturbing) reading from the NYT about "half abortions" - selectively (and voluntarily) reducing twin pregnancies to singletons.

Ooh, I loved these photos of NYC going from day to night in one frame.

This post by my friend Anna made me laugh and laugh (and I'm not sure I would have thought of the magnet solution myself, so kudos to her.)

Last week I linked to a feature on Hollywood's worst Southern accents. This week, from a different source, it's the worst British accents. I was shocked, SHOCKED, to see Dick Van Dyke's Mary Poppins performance on this list.

Re: the DC quake, here's a thoughtful explanation of why so many people felt it. I slept through a 5.6 earthquake when I was 11 years old, so this was good for me to read. Also, silly East Coasters - anyone from the West Coast could tell you that you're not supposed to run outside during an earthquake.

There's still time, and hope, for a Ramadan miracle for two American hikers recently sentenced to eight years in an Iranian prison.

I promise this article about graphic calculator trends is interesting. Personally, I believe I sported a TI-89 in AP Calculus in 1998, how about you?

Just the thought of Ken Jennings whipping everyone in a Disney Store trivia contest made me giggle.

Finally, some perspective on the Krakauer/Mortenson debacle. [HT Tim]

The end is near

Hospital adventures