
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.


I believe the season we are experiencing right now is neither Winter nor Spring, but Gray. The snow has almost all melted, which has reduced many strata of traction gravel to unsightly piles all over the roads and sidewalks. The color of that gravel is gray.

Then there are the roads and sidewalks themselves, which are now visible thanks to the disappearing snow. The color of those roads and sidewalks is gray.

The sky is usually gray, though we did have some beautiful sunshine yesterday and today (and a high of 8C! I literally did not believe Google when it told me so, but I proved it to myself when I was able to ride my bike home with my winter coat unzipped).

There are no leaves on the trees and the bushes are all in their cut-down winter state. They're more brown than gray, but from a distance the distinction is hard to make.

I'm used to monochromatic seasons - in the UAE, the season was usually Brown. I vaguely remember Gray from Ithaca, but more from when we went to visit Middlebury in March 2010. I know this Gray will make Spring all the greener. I just hope it doesn't last too long!

Adventure Saturday

What to expect re: second language acquisition, six months edition