
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Adventure Saturday

(FYI, I guess it's not quite Gray yet because last night it snowed and now it's "feels like" -7C. JUST when I was thinking of putting away the snow clothes until next winter...)

Last week we were getting a little neighborhood-cabin fever, so I took the kids on a Saturday adventure. We started by walking along the river.

We went to the Turku Biological Museum, after some mandatory (for the girls) sliding down snow piles. The Turku Biological Museum is a museum-in-a-museum, because the exhibits themselves have mostly stayed exactly the same since 1907. Meaning that when you go this museum, you are looking at the same things visitors looked at when the Romanovs were happily in power in St. Petersburg just across the Baltic. AWESOME. I love a good history chill.

Sterling bonked his face on a bench there, though, and ended with this massive bloody nose/mouth. I managed to get him to the cloak room before it started dripping. It took half a pack of baby wipes to mop up but he was fine. It certainly added to the adventure!

Then we headed up to Samppalinna hill - a very prominent feature of Turku. There is a beautiful park there.

Last stop was Lidl - like, a different Lidl than we usually go to, to add to the fun - to raid their Easter candy section with some money from Grandma Palmer. It was a great Saturday adventure and good to get out of our neighborhood!

March 18th, outsourced
