My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Second reading September 2018:
This is a solid 4.5-star for me, on second reading. I didn't rush it, gave the story time to breathe, and it sucked me right in!
First reading November 2015:
I was looking forward to this book soooo much, and I wasn't disappointed...exactly. Just underwhelmed. I loved being back in this world but ultimately I didn't love these characters and I couldn't always understand exactly what was going on. I would recommend reading this book in a situation where you won't be interrupted, ever, so you can really sink yourself into the story and not have to come up for air. So good luck with that.
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
My 13-year-old devoured this but it took me a bit longer to get through. Look, there is a LOT going on in this book. It's Jane Eyre, but it's also its own story? It's Mr. Rochester and Bertha Mason, but also literally Charlotte Brontë? There's Lowood and the red room and a fire at Thornfield...but also ghosts? You get the idea. It's a LOT. So where My Lady Jane (which I loved) only had to deal with its own story, in the context of history, this book has to deal with its own story, plus the story of Jane Eyre, all in the context of history. There was hardly time to savor the delicious narrative asides because there was just so. much. plot. to get through!
However, I continue to support this series and these authors and all of the Janes. If it was sometimes overly complicated and unwieldly, it was at least always clever, and we need more clever books!
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