
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

September 28th, outsourced

September 28th, outsourced

It has been A DAY. I could fill this post with rage-tweets and rage-memes and assorted rage-links but I think I’ll just go with what I bookmarked before Thursday.

Should you make that viral meat-stick contraption?

Volunteer Icelandic rescue workers!

(OK just one Kavanaugh link and it’s about the cruelty of male bonding.)

The Prime Minister of New Zealand brought her baby to the UN!

This woman on Twitter has pill-swallowing advice for you. I have a really hard time with pills so I appreciated these tips!

September 2018 books

What Finns find strange about American school schedules

What Finns find strange about American school schedules